SKS Consulting - Sage, Peachtree, and QuickBooks Training


Custom Sage Development

Peachtree Customizations and Sage 50 Enhancements

Custom Reports
Barcode Scanning

SKS Consulting by BSR, INC. is a leader in Peachtree customizations and Sage 50 enhancements. Our certified team of consultants has over 30 years of experience helping businesses nationwide make the most of their accounting software.

AAC Account Number on CheckNormalR12/R13
AAFFilter By A/P Account CodeNormalR12/R13
AAMMore Data on A/P Aging ReportNormal R12/R13
AC7Seven Inch A/P ChecksNormalR12/R13
ACHSummarized Check PostingNormalR12/R13
ACKA/P Custom Lookup KeysNormalR12/R13
ACUA/P Custom CheckNormalR12/R13
ADCDate Sensitive ClosingNormalR12/R13
ADITotal Delete For Void TransactionsNormalR12/R13
ADKDate Sensitive Check RegisterNormalR12/R13
ADODate Sensitive Open Invoice ReportNormalR12/R13
ADRDate Sensitive Transaction RegisterNormalR12/R13
AEEEnhanced Invoice EntryNormalR12/R13
AELExpanded Vendor LookupsNormalR12/R13
AFEFast Payables EntryNormalR12/R13
AGMMore G/L DistributionsNormalR12/R13
AIGMore Information To G/LNormalR12/R13
ALCVendor Contact LookupNormalR12/R13
ALNVendor Name LookupNormalR12/R13
ALTVendor Telephone LookupNormalR12/R13
ALZVendor Zip Code LookupNormalR12/R13
AMIPaid Invoice ReportNormalR12/R13
AMJMore Jobs in A/PNormalR12/R13
AN2Advanced Vendor NotesNormalR12/R13
ANCAuto Omit A/P Check Control ReportNormalR12/R13
AOIOne Invoice per VendorNormalR12/R13
APDDistribution by PercentNormalR12/R13
APWA/P PasswordsNormalR12/R13
ARXA/P Recover XFER File ErrorsNormalR12/R13
GBNPrint Negative Amounts in BracketsNormalR12/R13
GCTCenter Titles On Income StatementNormalR12/R13
GDTDefault Detail Trial BalanceNormalR12/R13
GDZZero Default Transaction AmountNormalR12/R13
GEIEnhanced Income StatementNormalR12/R13
GICMultiple Income RatiosNormalR12/R13
GIRMultiple Income RatiosNormalR12/R13
GLRList Repeating Transaction FileNormalR12/R13
GMODate Sensitive General LedgerNormalR12/R13
GMRDate Sensitive Summary Journal TransferNormalR12/R13
GOVGeneral Ledger PasswordsNormalR12/R13
GPWGeneral Ledger PasswordsNormalR12/R13
GRRG/L Reports By Date RangeNormalR12/R13
GTDDepartmentalized Titles and TotalsNormalR12/R13
GTRAccount Range TotalsNormalR12/R13
IA2Fractional AssembliesNormalR12/R13
IAAFractional AssembliesNormalR12/R13
IACAdjust Current CostNormalR12/R13
IAPAdvanced Price Changing OptionsNormalR12/R13
IARAssembly Costing ReportNormalR12/R13
IBIAssembly Costing ReportNormalR12/R13
IC7Decimal Places in # RequiredNormalR12/R13
ICBDecimal Places in # RequiredNormalR12/R13
ICKInventory Custom Lookup KeysNormalR12/R13
IDDDelete Departments in InventoryNormalR12/R13
IDTCopy Items & Depts. from Maintain ItemsNormalR12/R13
IELInventory Custom Expanded LookupNormalR12/R13
IEPInventory Edit Pending FieldNormalR12/R13
IFCInventory Force Current CostNormalR12/R13
ILAInventory LabelsNormalR12/R13
ILDInventory Lookup by DescriptionNormalR12/R13
ILIInventory Lookup by Item NumberNormalR12/R13
ILNInventory Lookup by Vendor Item #NormalR12/R13
ILVInventory Lookup by VendorNormalR12/R13
ININext Item in Enter TransactionsNormalR12/R13
INMNext Item in Maintain InventoryNormalR12/R13
IPCInventory Physical CountNormalR12/R13
IPWInventory PasswordsNormalR12/R13
ISCSell At CostNormalR12/R13
ISQSame Item in QueryNormalR12/R13
IVMInventory Variable MessageNormalR12/R13
IWUWhere-Used ReportNormalR12/R13


OCSCust Lookups on PO Ship AddressNormalR12/R13
ODIDiscount on Purchase OrderNormalR12/R13
OEOEnhanced Open PO ReportNormal R12/R13
OESEnhanced PO Status ReportNormalR12/R13
OHCHigh-Cost Items in Purchase OrderNormalR12/R13
OIPImport Purchase OrdersNormalR12/R13
OLTSeasonal PurchasingNormalR12/R13
OPIPrint Inv Dept/Item Number on PONormalR12/R13
OPLLine Lookup in PO during EditNormalR12/R13
OPNPrint Inventory Item Number on PONormalR12/R13
OPWPurchase Order PasswordsNormalR12/R13
OSLAuto POs with Stocking to Reorder Level NormalR12/R13
OXDExtended Descriptions on PO NormalR12/R13
PADPayroll Additional Deductions NormalR12/R13
PC7Payroll Seven Inch Payroll Checks NormalR12/R13
PCEComment On Payroll Stub Per Employee NormalR12/R13
PCRCertified Payroll PremiumR12/R13
PCSStandard Comment On Payroll Stub NormalR12/R13
PCUCustom Payroll Checks NormalR12/R13
PDDPayroll Direct Deposit PremiumR12/R13
PDMDisplay Misc Income/Deductions NormalR12/R13
PDTOptional Concise Department Totals NormalR12/R13
PEMExclude Misc Income from % Deductions NormalR12/R13
PHAOmit Pay Rate From Check Stub NormalR12/R13
PHDHorizontal Deduction Register NormalR12/R13
PHROmit Hours/Rate from Check Stub NormalR12/R13
PHYOmit YTD From Check Stub NormalR12/R13
PICPayroll Import Employee Time Cards NormalR12/R13
PIEImport Exceptions NormalR12/R13
PJRJob Cost Rates in Payroll NormalR12/R13
PMDAlternate G/L Distribution NormalR12/R13
PMIImport Miscellaneous Income NormalR12/R13
PN2Advanced Employee Notes NormalR12/R13
PNSOmit Sick Hours From Check Stub NormalR12/R13
POOOmit Overtime From Check Stub NormalR12/R13
POPPop-Up Calculator NormalR12/R13
POTChange P/R Check Stub Titles NormalR12/R13
POVOmit Vacation/Sick From Check Stub NormalR12/R13
PP4Four Decimal Place Deductions NormalR12/R13
PPWP/R Passwords NormalR12/R13
PRCEnhanced Check Register NormalR12/R13
PRDEnhanced Deduction Register NormalR12/R13
PRHEnhanced Hours Register NormalR12/R13
PRIEnhanced Income Register NormalR12/R13
PSIImport Salary Exceptions NormalR12/R13
PSOPoint of Sale PremiumR12/R13
PURUpdate Rate With Import NormalR12/R13
PVIImport Vacation/Sick Hours NormalR12/R13
PWCWorkforce Commission Magnetic Reporting PremiumR12/R13
PZTCalculate Zero TaxNormalR12/R13


RAAAuto Adjust Auto Transactions NormalR12/R13
RANAuto Transaction Control NormalR12/R13
RAPSort Aging by Salesperson Normal R13 Only
RASSort Aging by Customer Name NormalR12/R13
RBCBig A/R Comment on Statement NormalR12/R13
RBRBlank Statement Reference
RCKA/R Custom Lookup Keys NormalR12/R13
RDCDate Sensitive Close NormalR12/R13
RDDDate Sensitive Past Due NormalR12/R13
RDODate Sensitive Open Credits NormalR12/R13
RDPDate Sensitive Service Charges NormalR12/R13
RDQDate Sensitive Query NormalR12/R13
RDRDate Sensitive Aged Receivables NormalR12/R13
RDTDate Sensitive Tran Register NormalR12/R13
RDUDisplay User Defined Messages NormalR12/R13
RELA/R Expanded Customer Lookups NormalR12/R13
REXEnhanced Tax Summary NormalR12/R13
RFAFast Apply Payments PremiumR12/R13
RFTFast A/R Entry NormalR12/R13
RIGEnter Invoices While Creating GL Journal NormalR12/R13
RILCustomer Name Lookup PremiumR12/R13
RIQEnhanced A/R Query NormalR12/R13
RISImport Ship To Address NormalR12/R13
RLCA/R Contact Lookup NormalR12/R13
RLSA/R Salesperson Lookup NormalR12/R13
RLTA/R Telephone Lookup NormalR12/R13
RLZA/R Zip Code Lookup NormalR12/R13
RMDMultiple G/L Distribution NormalR12/R13
RMPMore Product Codes for A/R NormalR12/R13
RN2Advanced Customer Notes NormalR12/R13
RPWA/R Passwords NormalR12/R13
RRXA/R Recover XFER File Errors NormalR13 Only
RSCA/R Statement Codes NormalR12/R13
RSMA/R Statement Message NormalR12/R13
RSPOmit 'PAST DUE' on Statement NormalR12/R13
S80Custom Receipt Format* (Req Format File) NormalR12/R13
SABDisplay Aged Balances NormalR12/R13
SAFAssemblies on the Fly NormalR12/R13
SBCChange Bill to ID NormalR12/R13
SBDBarcode Dept + Item ID as 2 Fields NormalR12/R13
SBIDocument Sort By Item ID NormalR12/R13
SBLDocument Sort By Location NormalR12/R13
SCBSelective Backorders NormalR12/R13
SCCShort 2nd Page Concise Packing Slip NormalR12/R13
SCDSales Custom Display NormalR12/R13
SCFConcise Invoice Format NormalR12/R13
SCHCustomer/Ship-To Lookup PremiumR12/R13
SCICopy Sales Invoice NormalR12/R13
SCNChange Invoice Number NormalR12/R13
SCOConvert Order to Active/Held Invoice NormalR12/R13
SCQSales Custom Quantities NormalR12/R13
SCRSales Commission Report PremiumR12/R13
SCSChange Ship to ID NormalR12/R13
SCTSales Invoicing Cash Transactions NormalR12/R13
SCUCustom Invoice Format (Req Format File) NormalR12/R13
SD7Seven Decimal Places Discount NormalR12/R13
SDODefault Sales Order NormalR12/R13
SDPSales Default Product Code NormalR12/R13
SDRDrop Ship on the Fly NormalR12/R13
SDSDescription Date Stamp NormalR12/R13
SEDEnhanced Invoicing Reports NormalR12/R13
SELSales Invoice Expanded Lookup NormalR12/R13
SERExclude Active/Hold on Doc Register NormalR12/R13
SHLRepeating Invoice Hold NormalR12/R13
SHPInterface With External Ship Program PremiumR13 Only
SHRHold Sales Invoice NormalR12/R13
SICInternal Comment in Documents NormalR12/R13
SIFService Invoice* NormalR12/R13
SIRSales Analysis Report Writer NormalR12/R13
SISEdit Invoice Sold To NormalR12/R13
SLASales Invoice Layaway NormalR12/R13
SLCLong Comment on Sales Invoice NormalR12/R13
SLISegmented Inventory Lookup NormalR12/R13
SLJLookup Invoices by Job # NormalR12/R13
SLPLookup Invoices by PO # NormalR12/R13
SLSLookup Invoices by Ship Name NormalR12/R13
SMISales Invoice Message NormalR12/R13
SMLMove Lines On Document NormalR12/R13
SMRInterface with Invertech MRA Mat Req Sys PremiumR12/R13
SNBCancel All Backorders NormalR12/R13
SNDSkip Department NormalR12/R13
SNPNet Price on Sales Invoice NormalR12/R13
SNSEasily Edit Large Invoices NormalR12/R13
SOFPurchase Orders on the Fly NormalR12/R13
SOPCustom Order Packing Slip*(Req Fmt File) NormalR12/R13
SOUCustom Order Format* (Req Format File) NormalR12/R13
SP0Zero Decimal Places Unit Price NormalR12/R13
SP1One Decimal Place Unit Price NormalR12/R13
SP2Two Decimal Places Unit Price NormalR12/R13
SP3Three Decimal Places Unit Price NormalR12/R13
SP5Five Decimal Places Unit Price NormalR12/R13
SP6Six Decimal Places Unit Price NormalR12/R13
SP7Seven Decimal Places Unit Price NormalR12/R13
SPCConcise Packing Slip NormalR12/R13
SPLPacking Slip* NormalR12/R13
SPOPO Number on Customer Statement NormalR12/R13
SPQCustom Quote Packing Slip*(Req Fmt File) NormalR12/R13
SPSShort 2nd Page Packing Slip NormalR12/R13
SPUCustom Packing Slip (Req Format File) NormalR12/R13
SPWS/I Passwords NormalR12/R13
SQ0Zero Decimal Places Quantities NormalR12/R13
SQ1One Decimal Place Quantities NormalR12/R13
SQ3Three Decimal Places Quantities NormalR12/R13
SQ4Four Decimal Places Quantities NormalR12/R13
SQ5Five Decimal Places Quantities NormalR12/R13
SQ6Six Decimal Places Quantities NormalR12/R13
SQ7Seven Decimal Places Quantities NormalR12/R13
SQCCopy Quote to Current Invoice NormalR12/R13
SQDQuickly Delete Quotes NormalR12/R13
SQESales Invoicing Quick Entry NormalR12/R13
SQSQuery by Ship-To Address NormalR12/R13
SQUCustom Quote Format (Req Format File) NormalR12/R13
SRCSalesperson Restrict Query Customer NormalR12/R13
SRDSalesperson Restrict Query Document NormalR12/R13
SRRSales Rep on Invoice Register NormalR12/R13
SS2Short 2nd Page Concise Invoice NormalR12/R13
SSBSales Invoice Bill Another NormalR12/R13
SSDSpecial Descriptions NormalR12/R13
SSFSpecial Defaults for Special Prices NormalR12/R13
SSHShort Second Page Header NormalR12/R13
SSLAdvanced Shipping Labels NormalR12/R13
SSNPermanent Non-Stock Items NormalR12/R13
SSPSpecial Prices NormalR12/R13
SSQSell By The Square Foot NormalR12/R13
SUCUpdate Name/Address on Repeating Inv. NormalR12/R13
SUOUpdate Originating Document NormalR12/R13
SUPUpdate Prices on Repeating Invoices NormalR12/R13
SUQUpdate Quantity on Repeating Invoices NormalR12/R13
SVMSales Variable Message NormalR12/R13
SVTSales Invoice Variable Terms NormalR12/R13
The PTClassic Enhancements can be classified as either “Normal” or “Premium”. Normal Enhancements are priced at set prices and are sometimes included in Enhancement lists. Premium Enhancements are individually priced and are never included in Enhancement Lists.

Most of the Enhancements are supported in both Releases 12 and 13. However, some are supported in Release 13 only. The Releases supported are listed in the RELEASES column below.


Contact SKS Consulting – 800.766.6770

Please call SKS Consulting for download and activation information to obtain any of the Enhancements. If you are using an enhancement not on this list, call SKS Consulting so we can check it out.

SKS Consulting by BSR, INC. offers various Sage 50 and Peachtree classes, Timeslips, and DacEASY classes. Each class is taught by a certified consultant and can be customized to fit your needs.

Contact BSR, INC.| PH: 800.766.6770

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Peachtree Customizations and Sage 50 Enhancements from SKS Consulting by BSR, INC.

BSR, INC.’s certified consultants have provided sales and support for Sage 100, Sage 50, and QuickBooks for over 30 years. Our professional software experts have vast experience in implementing and designing third-party applications for accounting software packages, including EZ Scan-It, our newest barcoding software integration. EZ Scan-It is designed to integrate seamlessly with your Sage 100, Sage 50, or QuickBooks software to help you maximize your efficiency, saving you time and money. Call us today to get started!

About BSR, INC.

We have been helping small businesses just like yours with accounting and business software since 1981. We offer advice, support, and training. Call us today at 800-766-6770 to get started!